
At Central Middle School teachers have the duty to teach and students have the obligation/responsibility to learn. To accomplish this teachers and staff are responsible for developing plans and using interventions which will guide students to act in a constructive manner. We will provide students with the opportunity to be successful while at school by focusing on desired behaviors. General school rules have been established to act as guidelines for appropriate behavior.

Procedures At Central Middle School:
1. Students will be provided with a Student Handbook which includes all school rules and procedures.
2. Teachers will explain and discuss expectations for school behavior through use of the Student Handbook.
3. Students will be held accountable for high standards of personal conduct and academic excellence.
4. Rules will be widely communicated; consequences will be promptly and equitably administered.
5. Rules will be revised when necessary to respond to changing circumstances.

Romantic Relationships
Students are expected to use good judgment with their "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" while on campus. This "good judgment" should look much like it would if you were with your boyfriend or girlfriend around your own parents. Therefore, we discourage holding hands, hugging and kissing while at school. Students who do not use good judgment in this area will first have their parents called, and later be subject to disciplinary action if the problem continues.

Bicycle Procedures
The Board of Education expects students who ride bicycles to and from school to consistently wear bicycle helmets in conformance with the California law. Bicycle riders are also expected to observe traffic and other safety laws and rules, and display courtesy toward drivers of motor vehicles, other bicycle riders, and pedestrians. The school and the district shall not be held responsible for the safety of students who ride bicycles to and from school.
Students who ride bicycles to school shall be required to park them in an area designated by the school principal and shall be encouraged to use bicycle locks. The district shall not be responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged bicycles or safety helmets.

Fighting/Aggressive Behavior
Fighting or aggressive behaviors of any kind are not tolerated at Central. This includes "play fighting", pushing, shoving, "rough housing", chasing or threatening. Severe consequences will be administered to students who choose to participate in these kinds of activities.

Formal Complaints
Students may have complaints. Students may discuss a complaint with their teacher or administration. Students are encouraged to discuss their complaint with a parent. Students may also decide to use the district's Uniform Complaint Procedure. Students may request a copy of the Uniform Complaint Procedure from their school administrator. 

Gang Prevention
A street gang is defined as a group or subgroup of persons who have three or more members who socialize on a continuous basis, have a name, claim a geographic territory and who plan or engage in criminal conduct. Prevention Regulations: Articles of attire, or the display of symbols, emblems, or sign related to gangs or gang affiliation are strictly prohibited on all campuses of the Riverside Unified School District. Gang symbols, signs, and attire which may cause rival gang members to be openly hostile to each other, or create an atmosphere of intimidation, encourage the commission of illegal acts, or disrupt the educational process are prohibited. Involvement in gang activity such as: intimidation, drugs, graffiti or tagging, use of gang names, symbols signs or pagers is strictly prohibited and will result in consequences.

Gum chewing is not allowed on campus. Students should not bring gum to school. Food is allowed only in lunch areas at lunch time and snack break, or during "teacher-sanctioned" special occasions within the classroom.

Buying, selling, or trading ANYTHING at school is strictly forbidden. This includes candy, gum, or other food items; trading cards, video game cartridges, video cassettes, audio cassettes, and any other non-school sponsored items.

Laser Pointers
According to California Penal Code, laser pointers may not be used by students at school. Students in possession of laser pointers are subject to disciplinary action, which may include suspension from school. 

Hate Violence
Hate Violence is an act that interferes with the exercise of an individual civil rights, defacing or damaging personal property, or actions against persons because of the victim's race, color, religion, nationality, or ancestry. Articles of attire, or the display of symbols, emblems, or signs related to hate groups are strictly prohibited on all campuses.

Intentional Harassment
One type of misconduct that happens more in the seventh and eighth grades than at other levels is harassment.
Harassment can be anything from teasing too much and too hard, to physically pushing someone around and trying to frighten him/her. Since this usually happens where no adult is watching, it is important for students to tell their teachers or the school administration when this happens. Many times students are afraid to tell because they think some will get them after school. We want to assure students that the manner in which we handle this almost always ensures there will be no attempt at revenge. It is especially important that students help us stop this and other types of misbehavior. The teachers and administrators cannot be everywhere to see what is going on. We need your cooperation to make this a safe, happy school for all students. If you see something wrong, inform your teacher or one of the administrators.

Markers are not allowed on campus under any circumstances. Markers are a major contributor to graffiti, and graffiti is not welcome at our school. Students in possession of markers will be subject to disciplinary action.
Students who vandalize school or private property with graffiti will be referred to the School Resource Officer.

Police Notification
Appropriate law enforcement officials will be notified of, but not limited to, the following circumstances:
1. When a weapon, including any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object, is taken from a student. This object will be turned over to the police.
2. When any student possesses a replica of a firearm or other deadly weapon and the replica is used in a threatening manner toward any other person.
3. Drugs, alcohol or controlled substance. 

All teachers and staff will utilize the following interventions, as they apply, prior to referral and during the referral process, for all students that are having difficulty adhering to our rules and expectations.

  • Parent phone calls (minimum requirement)
  • Home visit made
  • Teacher-student conference
  • Student contract
  • Administrator conference
  • Counseling referral
  • Binder Reminder signing
  • Opportunity School referral
  • Weekly progress report
  • School Attendance Review Board (SARB)
  • Daily progress report
  • Student Study Team (SST) referral
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